Welcome to galleries of our past, active and future projects. Please check the Portfolio submenu, for organized presentations by year/project. Or just follow the albums bellow posted on this page. For each new project we will inform you in all the ways possible. Enjoy!

~ PrimaBel – Connecting cultures / Sep.22 ~

Our 3rd project has been released. Energy connection between cultures, mentalities and people. We would like to thank you for continual support. The format is already a Magardon trademark – unusual written form and covered with unusual visuals, to depict the nature of reality we want to cover. Or the side of it, which is perfect for art-expression.

Please check all the details here. Enjoy! 🙂

MurKultur Festival, Graz, Austria, 2019

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MurKultur Arts

Here is our album from MurKultur 2019 Festival, placed in Graz, Austria. First part contains our works from the exhibition and second the beautiful athmosphere from the Mur Island. Have fun. 🙂

Belgrade Is Art (soon to be released)

Dear friends, we are about to publish our book about Belgrade, capital of Serbia and former Yugoslavia. This will be something totally different from anything you might have seen. We will not speak too much about politics, history, geo-science, tourism and alike. These topics are well covered already. We will focus on the spirit of the city, its vibe and energy, so to say. And will express it through art-form combining artistic photography and writing, because we find it to be the best presentation style to this unique approach.

Sneak-peek gallery is here..

Please check our dedicated page and stay tuned. Soon, the book will be released by Edition-Mutuelle, and you will be informed in time by all the means possible. We hope you will enjoy our book, as much as we are enjoying creating it. Cheers!



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