Happy Hollies from Magardon :)

Dear friends, our Team wishes you great holidays & all the best in the year to come! May this Xmas and NY bring you everything you wished for, and more.. Of course, our latest release PrimaBel can only contribute to that. xD

Get all the info here > https://magardon.com/?page_id=321

Enjoy & all the best. Cheers! πŸ™‚

Irmy & Zoran

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PrimaBel as bello regalo :)

Dear friends, as you know we have released a new book, which covers unspoken and hard to grasp energy connection between mentalities and regions. It’s simply the situation when you resonate with some area, without any obvious explanation. Of course, we can cover this from various esoteric and ambiguous perspectives, like Astrocartography & Relocation charts. Or simply make analysis related to social psychology, history, ethnology or similar scientific approach. But here, we have just covered our intuitive perspective how this energy connection works. And we believe, this is the essence.

In our example it is the area of Ex-Yugoslavia and Italy, which may or may not be of your interest. But the method is universal, and can be applied to any similar and numerous examples. As a tool for this, we have used combined artistic expression, including poetry in various languages, art-photos and digital arts. And the authors hope, this can set the standard, and as well provide joy to our readers. Here is the data >>


Enjoy & much love, cheers!

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PrimaBel has been released

Dear friends,

our Magardon Studio team is out with the new project. Irmy and I would like to welcome you to PrimaBel. Our latest project is a poetry and art book, covering the topic of connecting cultures. There are many approaches to this, from historical and geographic, to political or ethnological. But there is one missing, this subtle connection, which is just in the air, like an energy flow which silently connects people.

Here, we have picked an obvious connection between Serbia (and Ex-Yugoslavia) with Italy. From my experience, there is unspoken instant understanding between us. Italians always feel welcome in Serbia, it just clicks. And it is the other way around. Just two recent events, Konstrakta acceptance in Turin, or Novak Joker statement, that he considers Rome as his second home-city, equal to Belgrade. And I’ve heard many such statements on both sides. When we’ve noticed this, & considering the fact we live exactly on related places, we decided to turn this into a book. And here we are presenting it. πŸ™‚

PrimaBel consists of 30 poems, originally written in English and translated to German. Each poem is accompanied with 3 visuals, two artistic photographs and one photo-based artwork. This interplay of approaches, styles and expressions is a strong reflection of our message. About the need to understand each other better, and experience the true connection in spite of differences, or sometimes even, because of them. <3

We hope you will enjoy this, and here are some links of interest:

a) Ordering page* >> https://www.booklooker.de/pmachinery/BΓΌcher/Irmy-Algader-Zoran-Jovanovic+PrimaBel-Connecting-cultures-Kulturen-verbinden/id/A02AkLEG01ZZC

b) Publisher’s page >> https://www.pmachinery.de/unsere-bucher/auser-der-reihe/ausser-der-reihe-71-80/algader-irmy-jovanovic-zoran-primabel

c) Publisher’s intro >> https://www.pmachinery.de/archive/9442

d) PrimaBel page >> https://magardon.com/?page_id=321

e) Order via Amazon >> https://www.amazon.de/PrimaBel-Connecting-cultures-Kulturen-verbinden/dp/3957652960/ref=sr_1_1

* If you need to switch to English, please click UK flag (up-right) and on the next page click the text: “Please click here to start the Google translation.” Other links can be found on PrimaBel page, and you can as well order it in your local bookstore with half-sane personnel. Or on Amazon which basically works everywhere, but can be tricky with prices and so on.

Enjoy, and if you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Cheers! πŸ™‚

Irmy & Zoran

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The essence of creativity is being yourself. Always remember this. When you do what you are born for, time and space disappear, and you are aligned with your true nature. The process has been described in various ways, both scientific and esoteric, but it always gives two results. One is obvious, it makes the creative final, like painting, photos or composition, playing an instrument, a book. Another one is not so obvious, it is … while doing it, you are being yourself. Creativity is the way to reset yourself to your core being. This is our insight, and we call you to achieve it. The most recent from us, is our book #BelgradeIsArt which you can order here >>


Please contact us directly if you have any questions or problems.

Enjoy & Cheers! 😎

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Unique approach

Our team would like to thank you for valuable feedback. High majority express their positive reviews on our work. And there are some critiques, which can be summed in mostly technical elements. Some are: it is not long enough, there are small language issues, images do not perfectly follow the text, and similar. And we are very grateful to such comments, because they can only help us to improve ourselves in future project.

Our quick response is: It is long enough for what we planned, Small language issues fall to a writing style, Images follow the text accurately for what we planned, “and similar.” To cut a long story, the real value of #BelgradeIsArt, is to invent a unique genre. Best described with factographic city coverage, with unique and personal, novel-style belletristic writing. Please understand, there are hundreds of books about various European cities. Mostly about geo-science, history, politics and tourism. But if you want to write a personal, energy level approach, you need to invent a unique genre. Inventing our personal style, I would say, has been the biggest challenge in our mission, and in the same time, our biggest achievement.

Enjoy this energy/vibe presentation of Belgrade. Get it from our publisher here.


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Challenge leads to growth

A friend is exposing our book to people from various parts of the world, in order to get a feedback of our approach. And we already have several ideas on how to proceed. This is invaluable feedback, which shapes several future works from Magardon Team.

One is extension of our previous book, combining urban poetry & city core shots. Another is triple trouble installment of human growth, expressed through conceptual arts. Atm, we have no idea where the coin may land, but we know, it will be the right place. So.. stay tuned, you will not regret! πŸ™‚

Please order & enjoy #BelgradeIsArt – with all the details here. Or go directly to publisher’s website.


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Our way

In spite of all the obstacles and challanges, we did it our way. Exactly how we wanted, sending messages which we wanted, and doing it in a format we created. In other words, we did it our way, according to the famous song. To the authentic approach in urban cover and practice, get it while it’s still in-print here > http://edition-mutuelle.ch

& enjoy it with the track – My Way πŸ™‚

If you need any help – please contact us directly..


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Hidden concept

While it is hidden, the promotion of our book underlines importance of an urbanistic concept. Let’s understand, every place has its spirit, an unspoken reality of itself. When you plan new capital investment, please try to follow this. Otherwise, you may endanger the essence, and ruin the spirit of the place.

We just took on ancient European city, and tried to explain this message, among many other things. We hope, it’ll be taken in the right way. Our approach does not criticize anyone, we are just showing the path. And we hope it will be understood.

Grab our book here > http://edition-mutuelle.ch

Good luck from the team..

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Shine together

Without a doubt, our approach proves to be unstopable on every step. In spite of pandemic and other issues, the book is being sold and our ideas spread. Reminds me on an old saying, attributed to Victor Hugo – No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come. And while we used Belgrade to promote it, this novel idea of natural urban development can’t be stopped. And, this is just one small part of the values planted in our book. Don’t miss your chance, grab it here.



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An ongoing hype

In spite of various restrictions and related problems, you can’t stop the spirit of freedom. Our art-mission is being spread, and book shared, in an unstoppable rate. Things that are led by Heart will always find a way. Please check all information, and ways to get your sample, at our dedicated page here. And do not forget -> #BelgradeIsArt <^>

Enjoy, cheers!

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